Fine Art Defined

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Fine Arts, as defined by the New Webster's Dictionary and Thesarus of the English Language © 1993, means specificly "those arts concerned with beauty rather than utility." What Jacqueline brings to her paintings is the beauty and sensuality of a moment captured in time. More like faint romantic memories rather than photographic moments, the impressions left upon us by her images comfortably rest themselves in our minds rather than assaulting the senses. It is this focus on beauty rather than utility that truely makes Jacqueline's work fine art.

Click here to see how defines fine art.

"2000 Series" (diptych)
28" x 39"
monoprint on wood

"Sun Window II"
28" x 39"
monoprint on wood


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Links is the on-line entity of ArtBank, owned by Jacqueline L. Warren. All images are copyrighted by Jacqueline Warren any use without the consent of or Jacqueline Warren is strictly prohibited. -- "Specializing in corporate art commissions" © 2000